Shuttle Framework v1.0.0 Released
The Shuttle framework and solution, which I designed for resilience, was released for the Android platform.
Shuttle provides a modern, guarded way to pass large Serializable objects to avoid app crashes.
Often, businesses experience the adverse side effects of risks introduced in daily software engineering. These adverse side effects include time and money spent on app crash investigation, app crash fixes, quality assurance testing, releasing hotfixes, and extra governance through code reviews.
Shuttle reduces the high-level of governance needed to catch Transaction Too Large Exception inducing code by:
storing the Serializable and passes an identifier for the Serializable
using a small-sized Bundle for binder transactions
avoids app crashes from Transaction Too Large Exceptions
enables retrieval of the stored Serializable at the destination.
Why keep spending more time and money on governance through code reviews? Why not embrace the problem by providing a solution for it?
Check it out. You won’t be disappointed.